Building Identity: Shaping Past, Present, and Future Awareness Through Lego© Play
About the Group
Reconnect with your playful side while exploring your past, present, and future self using LEGO® and LEGO® Minifigures in a fun and relaxed environment. Through hands-on creativity and collaborative building, participants will gain insights into their emotional world, develop greater self-awareness, and better understand their attachment patterns.
This group will meet Wednesdays* from 7:00-8:30pm
*Alternating between an adult (18+ years old) group and a Teens group
Group Therapist:
David Byers, AMFT << click here to visit his bio page.
Interested in joining? Click here to fill out our group interest form.
• Self-Awareness: Encourage participants to reflect on their inner experiences through creative play.
• Attachment Understanding: Increase participant’s attachment awareness, maneuvers, and how they impact relationships.
• Emotional Exploration: Provide a playful space to process feelings and hopes tied to the past, present, and future.
• Personal Growth: Support participants in expressing themselves, unlocking new perspectives, and fostering deeper self-understanding.
• Fun and Play: Reintroduce the concept of play as a vehicle for healing and self-discovery.
Weekly Plan:
Week 1: Exploring the Past
• Focus: Introductions and reflection on past experiences that shaped the participants.
• Activity: Using LEGO® minifigures and accessories, participants will build a figure representing a meaningful moment from their past. The group will share stories about the objects they've built.
• Discussion: How do these past moments relate to attachment styles and personal growth?
Week 2: Where Are You Now?
• Focus: Reflecting on current emotional landscapes and personal circumstances.
• Activity: Create a LEGO® minifigure that represents life as it currently is—whether it's a personal snapshot or a broader representation of feelings and experiences.
• Discussion: How does this figure mirror your current emotional state or relationships?
Week 3: Future Aspirations and Desires
• Focus: Imagining the future and visualizing goals or dreams.
• Activity: Build a LEGO® representation of future dreams, focusing on what participants hope to achieve or how they’d like to feel in the future.
• Discussion: What do these dreams say about where you want to go, both emotionally and relationally?
Week 4: Discovering Self and Attachment
• Focus: Using LEGO® Minifigures to explore personal identity and attachment.
• Activity: Each participant uses past and present LEGO® Minifigures to symbolize themselves. They’ll place figures in a scene to represent how they interact with others (family, friends, partners) and view safety.
• Discussion: Explore attachment patterns through the lens of these characters and settings.
Week 5: Collaborative Building – Creating Together
• Focus: Understanding interpersonal dynamics and attachment through collaborative play.
• Activity: In small groups, participants will work together to build a shared LEGO® world. They’ll need to communicate and collaborate while experiencing a joint project.
• Discussion: How did working together feel? How did attachment styles influence group dynamics?
Week 6: Reflecting on the Journey – Bringing it All Together
• Focus: Reflecting on the overall journey and the personal insights gained.
• Activity: Using all the skills and materials from previous weeks, participants will create a final piece that represents their growth throughout the process. This can be a combination of their past, present, and future minifigures.
• Discussion: Reflect on key takeaways from the group experience. How has your understanding of yourself and your relationships evolved?
Anticipated Outcomes: By the end of the 6-week group, participants will:
• Have a deeper awareness of their personal attachment styles and how they affect relationships.
• Gain new perspectives on past experiences and future aspirations through playful exploration.
• Learn to express emotions and ideas creatively, fostering a more lighthearted approach to personal growth.
• Experience collaborative problem-solving and the emotional dynamics involved in working with others.
• Reconnect with their inner child and the joy of play as a path to self-discovery and healing.